Who we are
Quality Trout UK aims to maintain standards that prescribe best practices in the process of the UK’s trout farming industry and in the sale of its produce whilst continuing to drive improvement in farming practice from within the industry.
The introduction of Quality Trout UK in 2000 was a significant achievement for the trout farming industry. For the first time, trout farming enjoyed a UK-wide, integrated production and processing standard, from fingerling to farm to fork. The standard addresses all stages of trout production, from hatchery to ongrowing and harvest and allows for participating scheme members to trade with confidence across the country.
Initially introduced to provide reassurance to retailers with regard to product traceability, quality and food safety, Quality Trout UK has rapidly developed to cover all aspects of rainbow trout farming in the UK and is recognised both as a pioneering and leading certification scheme for trout farming in Europe. The QTUK standards have been presented to a number of other producer associations as a suggested template for their own potential national schemes.
Over the years Quality Trout UK has responded to the concerns of its members, customers, multiple retailers and consumers, as well as to changes in scientific understanding and improved environmental awareness, by introducing further assessment criteria covering issues such as the sustainable farming of trout, fish welfare, humane harvest and the increased awareness of food safety.
The UK is the only European Union producer that operates an ISO/IEC 17065 standard specifically for trout production.
Quality Trout UK Ltd is managed by a Board of Directors drawn from the UK trout industry and associated suppliers.
Quality Trout UK is also supported by a Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) whose members are again drawn from the trout industry, associated supply industry (e.g. feed, pharmaceutical), the certifying body and other interested parties. The TAC is independently chaired by a representative of the trout farming industry trade body, the British Trout Association Ltd (BTA).
If you wish to discuss the management or bring an issue for consideration by the TAC then please contact 0131 472 4080.